Thursday, August 08, 2024

Don't Fret, It's Picks and Shovels Time in the AI Gold Rush

  • Fears of a sharp economic slowdown, and worldwide heavy selling of stocks have hit U.S. stocks in recent weeks.
  • Recent economic releases have shown that unemployment is rising, home sales are slowing, manufacturing production is softening, and wage gains are flattening out. These weaker economic data points have caused fears of a recession and a move out of stocks and into bonds. 
  • This flight to safety has seen 10-year U.S. Treasuries to fall from near 4.75% a few months ago to 3.75% on Tuesday. The slowing economy fears have caused the S&P 500 to fall by nearly 10%. 
  • The sell off in stocks and specifically in the tech stocks is hard to reconcile in the face of the solid second quarter earnings growth reports across almost all industry sectors, from AI leaders to banks and industrial companies.
  • Does this big sell off mean the AI gold rush is already over? Moreover, does it mean the bull market in non-tech stocks, which was signaled in recent weeks, is also only a head fake?  

It is important to remember that gold rushes are driven by forces other than “there’s gold in them thar hills.”  At times, reality sneaks in to play a role in the pricing. The reality in this case is investors have become worried that the tech stocks have come too far too fast, and they no longer offer value at their inflated prices. There is nothing new about that worry. It’s very realistic and has been around as long as the tech stocks have been. The techs are trading at about 30-35 times earnings and projected to have earnings growth of 15-25% over the next 3-5 years. In an earlier post, I stated that if the current earnings projections for the techs and the S&P 500 prove correct for year-end 2024 and 2025, the market will go higher. My valuation model still says 5800 is the best guess of the current fair value of the S&P 500.

It is necessary to square the recent week economic news and sharp sell offs in worldwide stocksand interest rates with corporate earnings that are being reported every day. All these data

are being collected in the same time frame, and history tells us that earnings and dividend growth

have more predictive power in the long run than do changes in GDP and interest rates.

In my judgment, the billions of dollars that corporate America is investing in AI have not had nearly

enough time to find gold. We are in the “picks and shovels,” or early stages of the gold rush where

the miners are assembling the people and tools, and identifying where to mine. In short, nowthe big winners are the chip companies that manufacture the AI chips. The products

and services that will be forthcoming in the years ahead are still concepts. Yet, when giant sums

of capital are being placed in the hands and minds of the smartest tech people in the world,

life-changing products and services are assured.    

I believe an AI gold rush is underway. AI gold will be found and lead to huge stock gains in many existing, as well as start-up companies. My calling it a gold rush is not a total disparagement. The operative questions are: How much gold is there to be found, and who will find it? Almost certainly, too much money will ultimately join the gold rush, but it is far too early to declare AI dead. That being the case, the huge selloff in tech stocks is way overdone and offers a buying opportunity in the coming weeks and months.

Warren Buffett selling a huge chunk of Apple is probably the best news I have seen to assure us that AI has real merit. I am a great fan of Mr. Buffett, but he is anything but a gold rush player. He is strictly a “picks and shovels” guy. He did not sell out entirely. He just took some profits.   

In an earlier post, I said we are traversing a gold rush in AI, and almost all gold rushes end poorly for the average investor. However, for the recent sell off in AI and the stock market to be anywhere near correct, AI would have to be a complete bust. My bottom line is all gold rushes  are driven by periods of reality and illusion. AI has been called the driver of a new industrial revolution. That is big talk, but to say that AI is a bust is just as big an exaggeration.

Stay tuned.